Member Well-Being

Adverse Childhood Experiences affect many of the Club’s young people. In addition to other day to day obstacles and challenges. As part of our goal to see each member thrive, the Club knows we must attend to our members’ mental and emotional well-being just as we do their physical well-being and safety. We have a full-time clinical social worker on staff. Our Youth Services Manager provides one on one and small group support, training for staff, and referrals to other support services in the community.

In this Program

FLY “Forever Loving Yourself”

FLY is a female only teen program with the focus of empowering our young women to become strong, confident, and successful members of their schools and communities.  Weekly meetings discuss a variety of topics, providing female teen Club members a safe environment to face the challenges arising as they grow and mature into adults. Topics include setting future goals, social media and body image, healthy relationships, drugs and alcohol, bullying, and more.

SKY Program

SKY is the males-only equivalent to FLY, and focuses on providing our young men the supportive space to discuss topics that affect them as they mature into adults. Weekly meetings discuss many of the same topics listed above, and aim to improve male Club members’ preparedness for the future, and confidence as they go through changes involved with becoming adult citizens and community members.

Learn more about



Tara L.

The people & can-do culture make working at the Club special. Everyone is willing to go above & beyond, and works together to positively impact Club members’ lives.

Vladimir S.

An investment in youth is the best investment you can make. You’re not only changing the individual’s life, but the outcome of a whole society, a whole community.

Get Involved

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